
About Us

More than 30 years of quality pursuit Strive to become an outstanding brand in the national cable industry


Jiangsu Jiangyang Cable Co., Ltd. was founded in 1988. The company is located in Yangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city in China with beautiful scenery and outstanding people. The company is located in the north of the Ring Expressway and is connected to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway and the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway.

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Our products are widely used in power grid, electric power, petroleum, petrochemical, metallurgy, building materials, railways, shipbuilding and other industries.

Company News Industry News

"Jiangyang" products have been recognized as Jiangsu Province famous brand products.

Cooperation Case

We have in-depth cooperation with many well-known domestic companies and have rich and diverse cooperation cases.

Copyright. 2023 Jiangsu Jiangyang Cable Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.      Support:Yunpu      ICP:蘇ICP備17062102號-2

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